Supportive Services

The leaders of AMVETS, The American Legion and the VFW stand together in the fight against opioid addiction.
Veterans Who Care
Furniture bank for veterans
The Veterans Who Care organization was founded in 2008 by three local Veterans to provide assistance to our local Veterans and our community. Since then we have grown into an army of volunteers that are dedicated to our cause. We feel that anyone who has served our country for our freedoms deserves the right to live and be an important part of our society. http://www.veteranswhocare.org/index.htm
Valor Home
Supportive services for veterans
Valor Home supports veterans and their dependents in their efforts to where to trade binary options achieve lasting self-sufficiency. Critical to this mission is the ability for individual veterans to find and retain permanent housing. To meet that need, Valor Home support is provided through intensive case management and access to community resources, and reflects the individual needs of those served. http://www.valorhome.org/
Red Cross Military/Veterans Services
Supportive services for veterans
The Red Cross helps members of the military, veterans and their families prepare for, cope with, and respond to, the challenges of military service. https://www.redcross.org/about-us/our-work/military-families.html
VA Contingency management program
Free to veterans who struggle with addiction at the VA. The program works better than standard addiction treatment. www.sunshinebehavioralhealth.com/veterans
The Rx Abuse Leadership Initiative (RALI) of Ohio is an alliance of leading organizations focused on effective programs to help address substance misuse. www.ralioh.org.