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Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame Class of 2021 Announced

The Ohio Department of Veterans Services has announced the members of the Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame Class of 2021. The 30th class will be inducted in a special virtual ceremony to air on Veterans Day (11 November) on the department's various social media channels.

Inductees are honored for their accomplishments and achievements after serving in the military.

The 2021 Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame Inductees are:

The Honorable Ted C. Barrows, Franklin County Veterans Court Judge, Army

David A. Bauer * Army, Clark

John J. Callarik Army, Belmont

William J. Clark Navy, Lorain

Wanda J. Dillard Army, Franklin

Michael Ferriter Army, Franklin

Thomas M. Humphries Air Force, Trumbull

Gary A. Loxley Army/USAR/OHARNG, Warren

Linda S. Murnane Air Force, Greene

Roger R. Neff Marine Corps, Hancock

Joe M. Nishimoto * Army, Marion

Dennis F. Quebe Marine Corps, Warren

Barry J. Shillito * Army Air Corps, Montgomery

Nickolas G. Sunday Navy, Franklin

Harry N. Walters * Army/USAR, Hamilton

George F. White Navy, Scioto

Gregory A. White Marine Corps, Lorain

Jo N. Wildman Navy/Coast Guard, Greene

Charles E. Young * Army, Greene

Paul R. zumFelde Army, Fulton

* Posthumous Award

Note from ODVS: Private First Class Nishimoto, who was killed in action in 1944 during World War II, joins this illustrious class as a Medal of Honor recipient. His Distinguished Service Cross was upgraded to the Medal of Honor and presented posthumously to his sister by President Bill Clinton in 2000, making him automatically eligible for the Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame.

ODVS representatives and members of the Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame Executive Committee will be presenting the honorees and their families their medals and certificates in person like last year due to continuing COVID-19 concerns.

The Class of 2021 was chosen from among 142 nominations.

Bios and photos of the 2021 Class will be available at in late October. For more information, call 614.644.0898, email, or visit the Hall of Fame website.



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