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AMVETS recognized by Ohio National Guard

The ONEGA recognized Servicemembers of the Year, both Army and Air, at its annual Awards Banquet on July 27 at the Longaberger Alumni House on the campus of The Ohio State University.

Members of the Ohio National Guard Enlisted Association and AMVETS State Commander Andy McElrath and Executive Director Don McCauley presented special awards to these Soldiers and Airmen who are distinguished as "the best of the best" in the Ohio National Guard over the past year.

Additional state-level Air National Guard award winners were recognized, as well as Soldiers who were selected to represent their Major Subordinate Commands as top junior enlisted and NCOs of the Year.

In addition, recipients of the ONGEA/ONGEA Auxiliary Scholarship were recognized for meeting the academic and community service requisites which earned them ONGEA's grant for furthering their education. This is also the first year for the Coach Tucker Leadership Scholarships, which were presented to one Army and one Air Guard recipient.

Asst. Adj. Gen. Air: Brig. Gen. James R. Camp gave AMVETS Department of Ohio an award for supporting members of the National Guard and its veterans.

The Top Troops are:

Soldier of the Year: SPC Adam Pinkerton, Co D, 1-148th Infantry Reg.

NCO of the Year: Sgt. Whitney Schalk, 1483rd Trans. Company

Airman of the Year: SSgt Emily Weekes, 178 AW

SNCO of the Year: MSgt Fallon Ferrell, 178 AW

First Sergeant of the Year: MSgt Derrick Brashears, 200 Red Horse Squadron, Det. 1

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