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Home Depot, Post 44 Partner to help Disabled Veteran

AMVETS Post 44, Sons of AMVETS, and AMVETS Riders worked with Home Depot to help disabled veteran Mike Willochell of Boardman get his house rehabbed. They worked on new siding, a new garage door, landscaping and blinds.

Thanks for all the support for this young man and his family and thanks to AMVETS National 2nd Vice Commander Jan Brown for helping to put this together.

Members of Home Depot Team, AMVETS Past National Commander John “JP” P. Brown III, and AMVETS National 2nd Vice Commander Jan Brown join Mike and his family on the front porch of their newly sided house.

(Left to Right) AMVETS National 2nd Vice Commander Jan Brown, Micheal Willochell (Home Owner), Sons of AMVETS Finance Officer Ken Sabol, Sons of AMVETS Judge Advocate Ryan Brown, and Sons of AMVETS Post Commander Mike Donoferio.

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