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Ohio AMVETS Charities ask for Instant Bingo Donations

Message from the AMVETS Department of Ohio Service Foundation:

The Ohio AMVETS Charities (aka The AMVETS Department of Ohio Service Foundation) is a 501(C)3 Charitable Organization. In order to support and expand the much-needed AMVETS Department of Ohio’s Veteran Service Officer Program and to assist with other Department programs, the Foundation has decided to solicit the AMVETS posts for their instant bingo charitable donation (25% as required by ORC 2915) and if the posts have the Ohio Veterans and Fraternal Charitable Coalition’s (OVFCC) raffle terminals, their raffle charitable donation (50% as required by ORC 2915).

The Foundation is in the process of writing policies and procedures for this charitable program and hiring a person to oversee it.

As you complete your bingo application later this year, please strongly consider designating The Ohio AMVETS Charities as the Charitable Organization to receive all or a portion of your charitable donations derived from either instant bingo and/or OVFCC raffle terminals.

More information will be given at or before the Fall Conference.


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960 Checkrein Ave.

Columbus, Ohio 43229

(t) 614.431.6990  | (f) 614.431.6991

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