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Republican Women Help AMVETS 44 with Different Mission

The Canfield Republican Women’s Committee, “Caring for America”, recently donated money to AMVETS 44 to help with a Yoga program for local Veterans. Far too often, our Veterans’ service comes with a cost of unseen wounding. This is why a number of organizations around the country, as well as the military itself, is looking at the benefits of yoga for veterans. The current statistics are staggering: There are a reported 22 veteran suicides each day, 20% of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans and 30% of Vietnam veterans are diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition of persistent mental and emotional anxiety typically occurring after an acute trauma, but can also occur after long-term, chronic stress. Symptoms can include reliving events through flashbacks and nightmares, chronic hype-vigilance, depression, isolation, aggression, and severe generalized anxiety. With PTSD, a person’s nervous system is reacting to the trauma of past memories rather than responding to present moment circumstances.

Often, veterans may express reluctance to admit that they are experiencing the symptoms of PTSD in fear it might reflect on their ability to handle the pressures of the military. Recently, more research studies are finding that yoga techniques, when delivered in a trauma-sensitive manner specific to the needs of the veteran population, are having a positive effect on PTSD symptoms. Jan C. Brown Post 44 Commander, USAF SM/SGT (Ret), has plans to initiate Yoga at the AMVETS 44 facility soon and the CRWC Women are happy to help raise funds for the purchase of Yoga mats.

Pictured L to R: Sarah Keeler, Holly Deibel and Jan Brown. — with Sarah Keeler.

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