A Letter from Junior AMVETS President - Respect for Honor and Commitment
Respect for Honor and Commitment

As the president of the Ohio Department of Junior AMVETS, I have come to know and understand the meaning of dedication and commitment. For 10 years, I have been committed to serving those who have served our country. Without our veterans, we would not have the freedoms we have today.
I believe that sacrifice is something one cannot truly understand until they have served their country. Our heroic veterans have parted with friends, family, and loved ones to give up years of their lives. They do this simply because they believe in preserving our freedom. Some of these heroes have never returned home, which is the ultimate sacrifice that can be made. The fact that a man I never knew gave his life for mine and yours makes me feel so blessed to be an American.
The youth, your children, and my peers are the next generation. Today, I look around and it is not looking good. There are members of my generation constantly presenting a display of disrespect. I have seen them walk on our very own American flag. This is not acceptable. They simply do not know what brave men and women have gone through to protect and defend that flag. It is simply disrespect. How could one walk on the American flag knowing that men and women have sacrificed their lives defending the flag? Stepping on the flag is like biting the hand that feeds you. We cannot go on believing this behavior is acceptable.
Many soldiers returning home are returning forever changed by injures or mental illnesses, such as PTSD. Some of us do not recognize these injuries or illnesses and pretend they don’t exist. These heroes come home to a country that has lost its respect for a veteran's honor and commitment, and then they don’t feel welcome in their own country. When a veteran sees someone stepping on the American flag, it is like a slap in the face that leaves them stunned. Why do we allow this? America is America! We stand for our national anthem, we pledge allegiance to the flag, and we remember the fallen and never let them become forgotten!
I talked to many veterans, and it has become a habit of mine to thank them for their service. One day, a veteran had told me not to thank him. He claimed he didn’t do anything important in the service. We should all remember, it is not always about what our vets did, but it is ALWAYS about what they were willing to do. Every veteran shares the willingness to sacrifice their time and potentially their life for our God given rights. In my ten years being a Junior AMVETS, my respect has become unmeasurable when it comes to our veterans. I will always be humble knowing the bravery, sacrifice, and commitment of an American veteran.
Junior AMVETS President
Jesse Everson