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The Spirit of the American Story - Guest Speaker for June Convention

The Spirit of the American Story – The Wall

Ron Smith and Patricia Sexton

The American story told like never before. Ron Smith and Patricia Sexton shared the same desire; they wanted to reignite a sense of patriotism among Americans. Together, they created a traveling wall that pays honor to all the armed forces, along with American police and firemen.

Smith is a 13½ year Marine Corps veteran with tours in the Persian Gulf and Desert Storm. Sexton is the widow of Army Sgt. David Sexton, who lost his life in Vietnam on March 15, 1971. David’s remains have yet to come home to Patricia and their son.

Co-founders Smith and Sexton will be guest speakers for the State Convention, where they will be speaking about the Wall, their organization and their long term goals. They will be presenting on Sunday, June 19 at 9 a.m. in Ballrooms three and four.

“With this Wall out there, it’s for all the veterans,” Smith said. “We forget too quickly what they and their families sacrifice for our country.”

The Spirit of America’s Story wants to kindle America’s sense of patriotism, ignite our respect for those who wear uniforms and bring us together as a country.

However, there is another purpose Smith said could be useful for AMVETS or other veteran organizations.

“We want to travel all over the country,” Smith said. “The Wall can be used as a great requiting tool at events. We talk about our supporters and younger veterans may be there to hear about AMVETS. We can help get the word out there.”

Smith and Sexton met each other on a tour with the Rolling Thunder Chapter Five Ohio. They traveled together over 11 years and showed a traveling wall that honored Ohio’s Vietnam POW and MIA. In 2013, they left the Rolling Thunder in pursuit of the vision for The Spirit of America’s Story – The Wall.

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