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Chillicothe VA Medical Services at Logan Post 1776

The VA Medical Center made a trip out to AMVETS Post 1776 in Logan, OH on

March 24, 2015. Their VA Van set up mini physicals for first time veterans at Post 1776's parking lot between 9:00 and 11:00 AM. Free flu shots were offered to any veterans who wanted it.

The event was part of the VA Medical Center's ongoing outreach program to let people know about the system and its changes. ​The Chillicothe VA Medical Center Director Wendy J. Hepker spoke about these changes.

The changes include reduced waiting times for appointments. For example, if no appointment is available within 30 days, the appointment will be scheduled somewhere with more appropriate availability.

New members were processed into the VA system, and the Medical Center team assisted those who were having difficulty scheduling appointments.

Post cards were sent to the community surrounding Post 1776, notifying post members and veterans in the area of the event.

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Columbus, Ohio 43229

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