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Submit Form

Submit Online Form

1. Ensure that your Department, Post #, telephone number, and email address are updated and correct on the form


2. Select the appropriate month and year


3. Enter the date (mm-dd-yy), choose a category using the drop-down feature under the date section, add description, number of volunteers, total of hours, miles, activity cost, and cash donations. These numbers will tally up and provide you with a Total Cost of Programs.


4. Do not report any meetings


5. Post submit monthly report to the Ohio Department Headquarters via email, fax, or mail


6. Reporting Period will close on  30 JUN and/or 31 DEC


7. Download the form and begin your Programs Reporting here

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960 Checkrein Ave.

Columbus, Ohio 43229

(t) 614.431.6990  | (f) 614.431.6991

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