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Department of Ohio Junior AMVETS

Juniors 2021-2022 State Officers

President- Lainey Peacock


Sr. Vice President - Brant Mills


Jr. Vice President - Cayden Staten


Treasurer - Sara Carr


Secretary - Addysen Mills


Sgt. At Arms - Emmalynn Mills


PRO - Tanner Mills


Parliamentarian -Jayden Alberry                                               


Junior AMVETS Newsletter. Click on image to download a printable .pdf

Junior AMVETS Slogan

"We played together ... Now let's work together"

Junior AMVETS Preamble

We, the Sons, Daughters, Brothers, Sisters and Grandchildren of AMVETS, AMVETS Auxiliary and Sons of AMVETS, fully realizing our responsibility to our Parents, Community, State and Nation, associate ourselves for the following purposes:


To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States; to safeguard the Principles of Freedom, Liberty and Justice For All; to promote the cause of Peace and Goodwill among Nations: to maintain inviolate the Freedom of our Country; to preserve the fundamentals of Democracy; to perpetuate the Friendships and Associations of the AMVETS organization; and to dedicate ourselves to the cause of Mutual Assistance ... This by the Grace of GOD.

Junior AMVETS Oath

I Pledge myself to live up to the Junior AMVETS Oath by:


Doing my duty to GOD and Country

To be a Good Citizen

To be Helpful at all times

To be clean of Body and Mnd

And to live up to the Junior AMVETS Laws and Regulations.

Junior AMVETS Programs

AMERICANISM - doing service to promote patriotism.

HOSPITAL - doing service for hospitals and hospitalized patients.

CHILD WELFARE - doing service for children.

COMMUNITY SERVICE - doing serive for families and community organizations.

S.O.S. - doing service to those in the military.

AMVETS Juniors Advisors

Sam Pierce, Post 444 -

Teddy Kester, Post 44 -

Robert Holland - 740-687-1769
Denise Speigle (Auxiliary) -

Paul Speigle (Sons) -  

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960 Checkrein Ave.

Columbus, Ohio 43229

(t) 614.431.6990  | (f) 614.431.6991

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