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AMVETS Chain of Command
1. Canteen issues are to be addressed at the Post level per the Uniform Post Constitution and Bylaws. Appeals are to be referred to the Post Board of Trustees.
2. AMVETS Post issues start at the Post level. If the issues are not resolved, or if they are challenged/appealed, they should be directed to:
a. District Commander
b. District Judge Advocate
3. If not resolved at the District level, issues are directed to the Department Commander.
4. The Department Commander will then assign a Deputy IG to investigate the issue. The Deputy IG will report his/her findings to the Department Commander, Department IG, and Department JA for adjudication.
Any person who served or is currently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of America at any time after September 15, 1940 is eligible for regular membership in AMVETS provided such service, when terminated by discharge or release from active duty, be by honorable discharge, honorable separation or general discharge under honorable conditions.
Any American citizen, as an American citizen, who served in the Armed Forces of an allied nation of the United States at any time after September 15, 1940 and before May 8, 1975 is eligible for regular membership in AMVETS, provided such service—when terminated by discharge or release from active duty—is by honorable discharge or honorable separation.
No person who is a member of, or who advocates the principles of any organization believing in, or working for the overthrow of the United States Government by force, and no American citizen or permanent resident alien in the United States, one of its territories, possessions or the District of Columbia, who refuses to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States shall be privileged to become, or continue to be, a member of this organization.
All United States Reservists and National Guardsmen who are now serving, or have been honorably discharged since September 15, 1940 are now eligible for regular membership in AMVETS, provided such service - when terminated by discharge or release from active duty - is by honorable discharge or honorable separation.
An eligible veteran may join AMVETS as a Member-at-Large of the AMVETS department without affiliating with a local Post. Departments issue the membership cards for Members-at-Large and determine the amount of dues.
An eligible veteran may become a Life Member of AMVETS. As a life member, you would not be asked to pay any membership dues at any time in the future. Dues are transmitted to the Department Headquarters with Life Membership Transmittal Forms, but the life membership cards are produced by National.
National Charter members are those who were affiliated with the organization during the years that AMVETS worked for and acquired its National Charter. They were members prior to December 31, 1947, and have maintained continuous membership. If once dropped from the membership rolls they lose their National Charter designation. Annual and life member cards are specially marked National Charter Member.
Any active duty military personnel may join AMVETS for the military dues amount specified by the Post; minimum $20.00.
To obtain the names of personnel in their area now serving in the Armed Forces, posts may go to the local or County Veteran's agent. Records available there would not contain the current address of the serviceman, but this could be obtained from his/her parent or spouse. By becoming an AMVET while still on active duty, the service member will have all the benefits of membership now.
For those who process Membership on-line go to the end of
this Section
'When processing membership, always double check all paperwork. Errors can cause delays in processing
at Department and National levels."
- Urge EVERY POST MEMBER to carry a few AMVETS application forms with him/her.
- Make certain that every Post member knows about Post, Department, and National incentive programs
An annual member pays their dues for the Membership Year. The membership year is from Sep 1 – Aug 31. There are two types of annual members: new members, and renewal members
1. New Members
For new annual members you will need to provide the member with a membership card. Have the member fill out an application in its entirety. After determining his/her eligibility and he/she has been accepted as a member, complete a "blank" membership card. Fill in all the information they have provided, the more accurate a member's data is, the better.
The card is made in 4-part carbon copy: 1 - Member's card, 2 - National copy (white), 3 - Department copy (yellow), and 4 - Post copy (pink). It is recommended that you type the card, but if you write it out, use pen and press firmly.
REMEMBER: This card represents the new member's initiation into AMVETS and should be as neat as possible - not only to make a good first impression, but also to ensure that correct information goes into the computer data base. If corrections are to be made on the Post, Department or National carbon copy of the card, PLEASE DO SO NEATLY. This information will be going into the computer just as typed.
2. Renewal Members
National Headquarters generates pre-printed membership cards for each annual member that was paid for the previous year. The State Department will forward each Post their members' cards for issuance at the beginning of the membership year.
- Member pays dues.
- Member's pre-printed card is pulled
- Member's card is signed by Post Adjutant
- Member is given the card, or card is mailed to the member. Member is asked to supply additional information on date of birth, period of service and date joined, and email address, if not already provided.
- National and Department copies of the Membership card are forwarded to the Department with the correct dues amount along with the Dues Remittance Form (D&R) and Dues Recap Form. Make sure that any corrections or additions are made
- Post copy of membership card is filed - we suggest alphabetical order
- Remember to double check all paperwork.
NOTE: Post copy of the membership card has areas on the back to record information on each member. This is for the Post's benefit should they choose to use it, however it is totally up to the discretion of the Post.
When submitting annual members, a Dues Remittance Form (D&R) is necessary; please type or print clearly. Each member is listed on the D&R; renewals should also show their member ID numbers; this is when you use the provided labels. The Department and National copies of the new member cards must be mailed in the membership submission. Listing names in alphabetical order helps to coordinate your Post records with Department and National. ATTACH the Department and National copies of the cards to the Department and National copies of the D&R. Retain the Post copies for your files. Fill out the Dues Recap Form (see box at bottom of page).
The National portion of the membership dues per annual member is $15.00 and the Department portion is $10.00. ONE check should be submitted to the Department. This is reflected on the Dues Recap Form which should always be sent with any membership submission.
Mail or give your new member his card. (A window envelope works nicely).
NOTE: Membership should be transmitted to the State Department in a timely manner. It is recommended that each Post submit membership at least once a month, after your Post Membership meeting. Do not hold membership under any circumstances. Your new member deserves to have his membership processed IMMEDIATELY. *Remember to double check all paperwork!*
All forms mentioned can be found on our Department website: www.ohamvets.org, under the "Resources" tab if you click on “Forms”.
Life memberships are initiated at the Post level by using a Life Member Transmittal Form. Please fill the form out completely and legibly. DO NOT list any life member on the D&R form.
The cost of a life membership is as followed: annual - $30.00 or Life - 55 years and under $500, 56-65 years $400, 66 years and older$300
The life member may purchase a GOLD LIFE CARD through the National Headquarters. A special form will need to be submitted for a GOLD Card.
Changes in address can be submitted on the AMVETS Post Roster Update-Change of Member Data Form, or on the Membership Renewal Card (marked in area designated for changes). Send the information to Department Headquarters. Please include the member I.D. number whenever possible. You can email these changes to the Department at admin@ohamvets.org.
Annual or Life Member - use a replacement card form and send to Department - there is a $5.00 charge.
Be sure to send forms in along with payment noted on the Dues Recap Form.
Any member of AMVETS in good standing may change his/her membership from one post and Department to another with the APPROVAL OF BOTH POSTS and if applicable, BOTH DEPARTMENTS concerned, without repaying current annual dues.
Life Members who transfer and wish to replace theft membership card with one indicating their new post number, must fill out the Request for Duplicate Life Card Form and remit $5.00 for the card.
NOTE: During the period between June 1st through August 31st, an ANNUAL Member who wishes to transfer and who has not paid his current year dues is asked to just pay his dues and renew at the Post of his choice. If he has renewed for the current year, then we can and will transfer him/her with the completion of a transfer form.
NOTE: In order to qualify as a Delegate or Alternate Delegate at a National Convention, an AMVET must be a member of the Post to which he/she has transferred to, for at least six (6) months prior to the Convention.
If a member of your Post passes away, please notify Department Headquarters immediately, utilizing the Deceased Member Notification Form. Memorial Certificates for presentation to the decedent's family can be obtained through National Headquarters. If there is a preprint, please attach it to the Deceased Form. DO NOT hold deceased members until the end of the year. It is not fair to the family.
All forms mentioned can be found on our Department website, www.ohamvets.orq, under the "Forms" section of the “Resources” tab. If you need help obtaining them, call Department at 614-431-6990.
A Post Roster can be obtained for your respective Post if the Adjutant of the Post logs into the membership section of National’s website (www.amvets.org) and clicks on “Post Roster”. If you need someone to walk you through this, please call 614-431-6990, and someone at Department will gladly help you.
You will notice that there are areas on the roster indicated for date of birth, date joined, and email address that can be completed if the information is available. REMEMBER - changes and additional information submitted without the Member I.D. Number will take longer to process.
If members are missing, please check your records to find out when the last time their dues were paid for, and then advise Department Headquarters of the situation.
NOTE: Proper editing will PREVENT many problems throughout the membership year, especially during the renewal mailings.
MEMBER IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS - The member's ID number is very important in speeding up processing of all paperwork submitted. It is to your advantage to keep the rosters and refer to them as needed. You will find the member ID number listed within the roster.
The AMVETS Department of Ohio is able to generate the type of report that you need. Whether you require a listing of all new members, all renewal members, all life members - just contact Department Headquarters and let us know the information you need, and YOUR tailor-made roster can be sent via email. If you would like to learn how to do this yourself, you can also contact the Department for a walk-through. Any Post Commander or 1st Vice Commander can log into www.amvets.org to obtain your own rosters (under the Membership drop down.)
Annual Renewal Notices are sent out in the beginning of August preceding the new membership year. The contact person and dues amount specified on your Post Revalidation & Officers Form will be the information used for this mailing.
NOTE: Editing of the post printout is VERY crucial. Wrong addresses, duplications, and misspellings can be immediately corrected by accurate editing by the Post. Immediate processing of membership by the post will prevent unnecessary renewal notices being sent to a member who has renewed for the current membership year. If any member in good standing receives a notice of non-payment of dues, contact Department Headquarters immediately.
The following membership benefits are available to current members.
Visit www.amvets.org for more details, and a complete list of benefits.
Avis Car Rentals University of Phoenix Eyebenefits
(AWD#B291003) 800-331-1212 800-680-9773 (code AMVETS) 800-621-7900
www.avis.com www.phoenix.edu www.eyebenefits.com
Budget Car Rental Phone Cards Online Only PowerNet Global Long Distance
(BCD#R198103) 800-527-0700 www.amvets.prepaidonline.com 866-706-0002 (mention AMVETS)
Dollar Rent-A-Car Online Shopping Mall LifeLine Screening
(Code AM5064-USBC) 800-227-7368 www.shop.amvets.mallnetworks.com (BDHW-078) 888-711-0237
www.dollar.com www.lifelinescreening.com
National Car Rental
(RECAP#5130405 800-227-7368