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AMVETS Open House a success

(From left) John “JP” Brown III, AMVETS past national commander, Robert Croom, certified peer specialist, Terry Carpenter, new AMVETS service officer, Susan Fuehrer, director, Louis B. Stokes VA Medical Center, Don Lowers, AMVETS Ohio 1st vice commander, Jan Brown, AMVETS National 2nd vice commander and Andy McEllrath, AMVETS Ohio 2nd vice commander.

AMVETS Department of Ohio welcomed Terry Carpenter, department veterans service officer, to the Louis B. Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center with an open house on June 7. Carpenter is the department’s newest service officer and will be assisting Northeast Ohio veterans with disability claims and compensation, Individual Unemployability, Aid & Attendance, Vocational Rehab, GI Bill claims and more.

According to the last U.S. Census, there are an estimated 220,000 veterans living in the seven-county Cleveland-Akron area. Most of these veterans are not aware of the benefits they have earned or do not have anywhere to go for assistance to receive those benefits. AMVETS will be helping to fill a gap that has existed in the area for some time.

Veterans who need assistance can reach Carpenter at (216) 791-3800 Ext: 4056 or

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